
Peer Review

Peer Review Process for Level3

Authors may request peer review of an original article only.

We normally offer a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers are selected for each individual article based on the specific subject-matter.

Authors are advised of peer review decisions as follows:

  1. Accept as submitted
  2. Revise and resubmit
  3. Reject

Articles which are rejected as peer reviewed publications may be published in Level3 as non-peer reviewed articles, subject to the agreement of authors and editors.

In general, peer review of submissions to academic journals is an act of judgement by expert colleagues given in a spirit of collegial respect for the work of others. It cannot be regarded as an exact, numeric science. Peer review criteria for Level3 were designed with these principles in mind. Those criteria are as follows:

  • The subject matter is appropriate for Level3
  • The item adds something new to knowledge in the field
  • The literature cited is current and relevant
  • The methodology and methods are clear and appropriate
  • Analysis is clear and appropriate
  • Data are presented clearly in text, tables and figures
  • Conclusions are drawn appropriately
  • References are accurate and complete
  • The paper is generally coherent and accessible