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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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Over the course of the past several decades the world of beer and brewing has undergone a major shift. What was once an industry and culture dominated by men has seen a considerable influx of both female brewers and consumers. This has often been heralded in the media as a return to the historical status quo, because, they contend, women had generally been the dominant force in brewing for centuries all over the world. These articles explore this brewing history for links to the modern craft beer scene and often conclude that women are once again achieving their rightful position within the industry, one that they haven’t held for many years. Tara Nurin’s aptly named “How Women Brewster’s Saved the World” declared that, “until fairly recently as history goes, women were the driving force behind much of the world’s beer production” (Nurin 2016). Furthermore, in her “Brewing Beer has Always Been a Women’s Game”, author Maya Oppenheim (2017) exclaimed: “women are now reclaiming an industry that was pretty much birthed by them”.
