

Dawn Duffin


The paper hypothesises that third level tutors are not required to and do not generally possess teaching or disability awareness qualifications and that the institute of technology involved would benefit from a collective approach towards more inclusive practice. The collected data confirms the hypothesis whilst also highlighting recommendations to be incorporated into future planning. The aim of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of a Continuing Professional Development Module on inclusive teaching and learning in a third level institute of technology; it is then intended to derive appropriate lessons for future development of such training. The E4 Project builds on the learning of previous projects examining the learning behaviours of students with a range of needs. The Inclusive Learning through Technology Project used e-learning and Assistive Technology to develop skills in the classroom. The Partners Collaborating in Training for Individuals with Specific Learning Difficulties provide awareness raising training to teachers and employers and offered multidisciplinary assessment and support to individuals who had issues around Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Asperger’s Syndrome and AD(H)D. The differentiated instruction methodologies used in the E4 Project include the de Bono six Thinking Hats and Cognitive Research Trust Thinking Tools. The training sessions were offered to staff who might be working with students in the E4 project in September 2006. Lecturers contributed to a research questionnaire and evaluated the training. This data was incorporated in the discussion and formed part of the recommendations for further training.


