The use of novel Non-Destructive methods for quality control and performance evaluation of concrete structures

Niall O. Holmes, DIT

Document Type Conference Paper

MEDACHS, La Rochelle


Concrete cover provides the first line of defense against the ingress of many deleterious substances into the concrete. Therefore, a measure of its transport properties is vital in assessing its long term performance in a given exposure condition. In new structures the rate of ingress of the deleterious substances could be monitored using array of electrical sensors that are embedded in the cover concrete. For structures that are currently in service, tests can be performed by removing cores from the structure (lab based tests) or by using tests that can be performed on the surface (in situ tests). Results relating to few of the most commonly used lab based test methods are presented here along with two in situ permeability apparatuses, viz. Autoclam Permeability System (for measuring gas/water permeability and water absorption) and Permit Ion Migration Test (for determining rate of ionic ingress). Data from these test methods are further exploited using numerical models to predict the long term behaviour of structures exposed to chloride environment. The results from a long term study conducted at a marine exposure site presented in this document suggests that a combined approach of testing and modelling can be used to successfully to predict the long term behaviour of concrete structures.The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 200 words. It should be set in 9-point font size, justified and should have a hanging indent of 2-centimenter. There should be a space before of 12-point and after of 30-point