Document Type

Theses, Masters


Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence


Economics, Industrial relations, Business and Management.

Publication Details

Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of Master's degree in Public Relations, 2017, to Technological University Dublin.


Corporate Public Relations (PR) Ethics is always a top research topic in theory and practice as PR practitioners often have numerous ethical choices to make when addressing controversial issues. However, how to quantify or measure the ethical alternatives of PR decision making and help public relations practitioners make more ethically correct decisions is an open problem. To address this problem, this thesis proposes the PR "Ethical Compass" as a measuring tool or technique to help corporations justify and evaluate the consequences of their ethical public relations decision making. To investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the Ethical Compass technique, qualitative research was used to first identify ten corporate public relation cases, then quantitative research was used to collect public opinions and corporate financial data to test each case against the "EthCom Rating" calculated by the tool. The Ethical Compass tool is directed towards PR practitioners and all those interested in public communication who seek an effective mechanism for measuring the projected outcome of corporate ethical decision-making.

