The Emotional Intelligence and conflict management

Helen Chen, Dublin Institute of Technology

Document Type Conference Paper

Irish Academy of Management, Belfast (2007)


The impact of EI on conflict resolution is a new topic. Although there is a myriad of research on this, little is conducted on the influences of different aspects of EI on conflict resolution. This study is designed to fill in the gap. Questionnaire, factor analysis and multiple regression models were adopted to understand different aspects of EI and their influences on conflict resolution. There are eight factors generated for EI, which are intuition, influence, conscience, consistence, understanding, motivation, interpersonal relationships and sensitivity, which are the aspects of EI and are the independent variables in the study. Four factors were generated to understand conflict resolution, influences of others, conflict management, after conflict and individuals in conflicts, which are the dependent variables in the study. Results show that intuition and interpersonal relationships have significant positive effects on resolving conflicts. The managerial implications of the research are tremendous.