Technology-Enhanced Learning: Towards Providing Supports for PhD Students and Researchers in Higher Education

Document Type

Book Chapter


Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence



Publication Details

Chapter 12 in Wang, V. (2015)Handbook of Research on Scholarly Publishing and Reserach Methods.

Reproduced here with the kind permission of the publishers Information Science Reference


There are many elements to an individual’s life. Each individual engages in a variety of different activities which all require different types or forms of supports. Through family, friends, and colleagues, supports are available for many of the activities in which we engage. But, for students conducting research, specific types of support are necessary that can only be provided by supervisors and peers. This chapter reviews the supports necessary to learn how to effectively undertake research and how these supports could satisfactorily be provided through an e-learning portal or an e-learning platform. An e-learning module could be used to facilitate collaboration amongst student learners and researchers who share similar research interests. Students should be encouraged to develop a community of practice with fellow researchers as this relationship could provide beneficial peer support for as long as their research interests evolve and endure.

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