Document Type

Conference Paper


Available under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International Licence


Business and Management.

Publication Details

26th EurOMA Conference

Operations adding value to society

17th - 19th June 2019, Helsinki, Finland


Increasingly supply networks are recognised as the most meaningful level of analysis in many industries. Yet few studies examine the additional capabilities and revenue options generated by such alliancing. ERBV is one perspective that addresses how these alliancing related opportunities can create competitive advantage. The ERBV perspective and notion of relational rents is used empirically to understand three distinct port supply network strategies. Whilst this study is confirmatory regarding the basic tents of ERBV, beyond studying ERBV in a new context the study contributes to theory by reporting that, paradoxically, temporary relational rents can be generated without close partnerships.

