Electronic wheelchair controller designed for operation by hand operated joystick, ultrasonic non-contact head control and utterance from a small word-command vocabulary

Eugene Coyle, Dublin Institute of Technology

Document Type Conference Paper

In IEE Colloquium on New Developments in Electric Vehicles for Disabled Persons, London, 17 March, 1995, pp.3/1-3/4. Available from http://0-ieeexplore.ieee.org.ditlib.dit.ie/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=472988&isnumber=9966


The majority of electric wheelchair users are able to operate a joystick to control the chair, however many more quadriplegic users need some other means of controlling the wheelchair. This paper describes an electronic PWM DC drive unit designed for operation by standard joystick, ultrasonic noncontact head control, and by command from a limited speech vocabulary