

Policies will be drafted over the coming months after wide consultation with all stakeholders. If you have any suggestions or comments please contact arrow.manager@dit.ie

The following is offered as interim guidance only

Data Policy

Arrow@TU Dublin is an open access repository so anyone may download material. Copies of full items generally can be used for personal research/study, educational or not for profit purposes without prior permission. However, you must provide the authors, title, and full bibliographic details. Mention of Arrow@TU Dublin will be appreciated but is not obligatory. Full items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.

Submission Policy

Items may only be deposited by accredited members of TU Dublin or their delegated agents. Authors may only submit their own full text work and the submission will then go into a holding area to be cleared by the Administrator. We ask that you provide as much information /metadata about your work as possible. Work can be submitted in any format and Word documents will be automatically converted to PDF. Papers may include unpublished pre-prints (not peer reviewed), final peer-reviewed (post prints) and published versions. Papers will be tagged with their peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed status.

The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor. The Administrator will only check eligibility of authors, valid layout and format and compliance with Publishers policies. Items may be deposited at any time but will not be publicly visible until such matters have been checked. If there is a query regarding copyright violation, the relevant work will be removed while the matter is investigated further.


We in TU Dublin Library Services take copyright very seriously and have a number of procedures that will help in this regard

  1. We check the Sherpa Romeo datatabase to find the publishers policy with regard to self archiving.

  2. If a publisher is not listed on this database, they will be contacted directly by Library Staff
  3. If we find we are not permitted to archive the work we will simply not do so.

The easiest way to avoid many of the problems associated with copyright and archiving in repositories is to keep an electronic copy of your research, whether that happens to be the peer-reviewed, accepted version or an earlier version. Many publishers will permit the Author’s final version to be archived. Also, while your priority is to be published, try not to sign away your copyright. Many publishers are quite happy to see articles deposited in Institutional repositories and will agree to this.

Useful link